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A Credit Reference System for the CAHEA
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A Qualifications Framework for the CAHEA
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European Commission and the Bologna Process website
Official Bologna Process website
Bologna Process Implementation Report 2012 pdf
Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA pdf
Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area pdf
Tuning Guide to Designing Competence-Based Degree Profiles pdf
Competence-based learning pdf
Tuning Educational Structures in Europe website
Tuning Latin America website
Tuning Africa website
Tuning Russia website
Tuning Kyrgyz Republic website
Tuning Georgia ppt
Tuning USA website
RHUSTE Tuning Human Sciences in Russia website
ACUR pdf
Tuning from Project to Process pdf
TuCAHEA Guidelines and Reference Points
The TuCAHEA Guidelines and Reference Points (Business, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environment, History, Language, Law) are now available here
(Download book cover)
TuCAHEA Student Mobility report
The TuCAHEA Student Mobility report is now available here
(Download book cover)
Congratulations! TuCAHEA is three!
On 15 October 2015, TuCAHEA turned three. Not only: TuCAHEA was awarded another 4 months of project eligibility by the European Commission! A very nice birthday gift indeed, and very appropriate for such a strong and ambitious three-year old. read more...
Happy Second Birthday TuCAHEA
On 15 October 2014 TuCAHEA celebrated its second birthday read more...
Happy Birthday TuCAHEA
On 15 October 2013 TuCAHEA celebrated its first birthday read more...
TuCAHEA's full title is "Towards a Central Asian Higher Education Area: Tuning Structures and Building Quality Culture". It is a Tempus Structural Measures project which will run from 15 October 2012 to 14 October 2015. There are 47 partners, including 8 European Union Universities, 34 Central Asian Universities, and the Ministries of Education of the five partner countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
TuCAHEA's broad aim is to contribute to building a Central Asian Higher Education Area [CAHEA], aligned with the European Higher Education Area [EHEA], able to take into account and valorise the specific needs and potentials of the Region and of the partner countries, thus responding to the needs of the higher education community and society at large.
Building on the Tuning methodology developed worldwide by academics in collaboration with students, graduates, administrators, employers and ministries. TuCAHEA aims to extend the use of competence-based quality tools for planning and delivery of degree programmes, enhance regional higher education systems, create a platform for sharing knowledge and elaborating quality tools across the region and in each country. It encourages legislation to create regional cohesion in alignment with the EHEA; it will establish pilot Tuning Subject Area Groups able to formulate Guidelines and Reference Points for key disciplinary and thematic sectors; it trains ministerial, academic and independent experts in the use of competence-based tools, it fosters student mobility within and outside the region and tests and perfects the quality and recognition tools necessary for mobility; it establishes information / dissemination centres in both capitals and other areas of the partner countries.
The principal outcomes will be to extend knowledge of the worldwide Tuning process, involving the Central Asian area directly in Tuning's broad international context; to enhance knowledge of existing quality and recognition tools as a basis for further elaboration; to carry out consultations on both generic and subject specific competences, to produce a number of Tuning Subject Area reports; to produce competence/learning-outcomes-based descriptions of degree programmes using the Degree Profile template developed by Tuning and the ENIC-NARIC Network, and more generally to creating a basis for a Central Asian Higher Education Area, developing premises for a Central Asian Qualifications Framework and Credit System.
Project 530786: Grant Agreement: 2012-2015, budget €1.291.757,50; maximum grant €1.161.934,50.
TuCAHEA Core Group and Ministerial Meeting in Rome
On 17-18 January the TuCAHEA Consortium is holding a very important meeting in which the results of the read more...
27 - 28 November 2015, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
TuCAHEA’s Fifth and Final Plenary Conference and Working Meeting will be held in Bishkek on 27 – 28 November 2015 read more...
Fifth Cycle of Country Meetings
During the months preceding the Final Plenary Meeting in Bishkek, Country Meetings have been held in four of the five partner countries read more...
TuCAHEA Pilot Student Mobility
The first students are already studying at their host universities! Best wishes! read more...
Viktoriya Panchenko Kolp Angiolini
14 - 15 November 2014, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
TuCAHEA’s Fourth Plenary Conference and Working Meeting will be held in Samarkand on 14 - 15 November 2014 read more...
Fourth Cycle of Country Meetings
During the months preceding the Samarkand Plenary Meeting, Country Meetings are being held in all of the five partner countries read more...
Call for Pilot Student Mobility Candidates
The TuCAHEA Consortium in the Tempus framework hereby publishes the call for a pilot regional student mobility program
Second Study/Training Visit to Europe
Rome, Pisa and Groningen 14-22 June 2014
Third Plenary Conference and Working Meeting
TuCAHEA’s Third Plenary Conference and Working Meeting will be held in Dushanbe on 4 - 5 April 2014 read more...